Publications & Software




Characterizing the Role of Homeostatic Plasticity in Central Pattern Generators


Stolting, L., Beer, R. D., & Izquierdo, E. J. (2023). In Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 35 (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 92). PDF

Repository includes base code (Python & C++) for CTRNNs implementing the activity-dependent homeostatic plasticity mechanism introduced by Williams et al. (2005), as well as the analysis carried out in the above conference paper. GitHub


Single Legged CTRNN Walker

GitHub Repository includes base code for the walker in C++ and Python, as well as functionality to evolve walkers and perturb them

My ALIFE Encyclopedia Entry

CTRNN Pyloric Rhythm

GitHub Repository includes base code for CTRNNs in Python and C++, as well as a means to evaluate and evolve them for similarity to the pyloric rhythm


Robustness & Flexiblity Neuromodulation

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Conference Attendance

European Neuroscience Conference for Doctoral Students (ENCODS) - 2022

Characterizing the role of activity-dependent homeostatic plasticity in central pattern generators Poster PDF

Computational Neuroscience (CNS) - 2023

Characterizing the Role of Homeostatic Plasticity in Central Pattern Generators Poster PDF

Aritificial Life (ALIFE) - 2023

Characterizing the Role of Homeostatic Plasticity in Central Pattern Generators

Poster PDF Poster Presentation

Animal Behavior Conference - 2023, 2024

Poster Committee Chair, Program Committee Chair, Poster Competition Judge

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