About Me



About Me


  • Bachelor of Science, Neuroscience & Mathematical Biology - William & Mary - 2017-2021
  • PhD, Neuroscience & Cognitive Science - Indiana University, Bloomington - 2021-Present

Research Areas

*contact me if you are interested in collaboration!

  • Neural Parameter Space Degeneracy: there are many ways to configure a nervous system's components to produce the same desired outcome (a.k.a. adaptive behavior)
    • How is the variability between the neural parameters of individuals structured? Do organisms actually make use of all theoretically acceptable configurations of their components?*
    • How do processes like development, neuromodulation, disease, and homeostatic plasticity, change a system's position in that space of possibilities? For better or worse?
    • The nature of degeneracy means that organisms have limited information about their current state. Can they still effectively guide their behavior despite this limitation?*
    • How can organisms balance their robustness to unwanted external perturbations, while responding flexibly to their environment when appropriate?*
  • Motor Pattern Generators: Rhythmic movements are essential in most brain-body-environment systems
    • Many rhythmic motor patterns (e.g. the Aplysia feeding cycle) exhibit cycle-to-cycle variability. What kinds of environmental perturbation might underly this variability, and what kinds would be "averaged away"?*
    • Olfaction requires thatregular breathing rhythms be co-opted for sniffing. What is the mechanism behind this control, and how is it shaped by incoming odor information to produce adaptive behaviors like navigation and source differentiation?
    • What tools from dynamical systems theory are most useful for describing these patterns in situated, embodied organisms?


  • Coding Languages
    • Python
    • C++
    • Mathematica
    • MATLAB
    • R
  • Mathematics
    • Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations
    • Information Theory
    • Linear Algebra
    • Statistical Analysis
  • Scientific writing
  • Agent-based modeling

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